I had a down year for the most part. Activity was good across the board, but a severe depressive swing took me out of commission on good nutrition and fitness. Those are my top starters for the coming year.
I received this Horoscope from Refinery29 in my email today. I'm recording it here so I have a comparison for the end of 2015. I'll be curious to see how things pan out in relation to this prediction.
Libra (September 23 — October 22)
It’s all about who you know in 2015, Libra — and by the time the year is half through, you will have added a lot of people to your friend list. The question is: Are they the right people? While your popularity is expanding faster than Uber’s livery fleet, whose arms can you really trust-fall into? Finding the Kendall to your Kylie could be an important search mission in 2015. A team effort could bring major success nonetheless. You’ll learn important lessons about managing the troops. On April 4, a lunar eclipse in Libra helps you step forward and shine as a star or capable leader. Your hard work could even attract major media attention. Got an idea for an invention, website, or community-improvement project? Bring it to life before August 11 — you might even crowdfund it. This is also a great year for Libra media mavens to self-publish a book, drop an album, or film a documentary. As for amour, a Mars-Venus pairing makes you extra attractive from February 20 to March 17. Strike while the iron is scorching. Your cosmic ruler, Venus, is retrograde from July 25 to September 6, which could bring a lull. Fortunately, Venus will visit your sign from November 8 until December 4, helping you get romance back on track. Watch your words — and your temper — while Mercury is retrograde in Libra from September 17 through October 9. In the fall, make room for the muse! Jupiter slips into your soulful 12th house for a year on August 11. Though your creativity will be super-sized, you’ll need more support from friends — and quiet time to recharge in the last quarter of 2015.