Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The effects of 7

I’m in the middle of reading Jen’s book. When you said you must have been smart or stupid to have started the book when you did, I would say the former. I don’t believe there is a stupid time to pick up any book (I’m a bibliophile and a librarian).
Over the summer my husband started the great basement decluttering experiment. It’s hard for me to part with my ‘treasures,’ and I will tell you that Jen’s experiences, and those of her council are helping me. I have been through boxes of mildewed paper clippings from my school years (scanning in process, followed by recycling). I was thrilled to have found a clipping with my grade school librarian in it–she is a reason I was an academic success. I thank her with every opportunity, but have no idea how to find her.
Through 7 I am coming to realize that I am made by our creator to be more than the things in this world. I shared 7 with a good friend of mine last night. And you can bet that I’ll be making more progress on my own excessive tendencies as my life moves forward. Thank you for sharing, Ms. Nester–and thank you for the lovely picture of the lilacs–they are my favorites.

--Fall 2012

Breaktime over

I've taken quite a break from my writing. I focused heavily on my graduate studies last fall, and by the time the holidays rolled around, I was exhausted and then a little under the weather (read: respiratory infection). I'm now back in the saddle at work and trying to keep my head above water. I'm keeping focus on why I'm here and what I'm about--and it works pretty well for me.

Who am I to judge?

While reading an article in Ladies' Home Journal on fitness and Hollywood (read: red carpet skinny), I was reminded of some terrible things we do to meet the standard body image culture. To read a section of the article entitled, "What crazy people do" and then recall what a friend a  lifetime ago did do, "Los Angeles wardrobe stylist Lindsay Albanese had one red-carpet client who cinched her middle with an Ace bandage, wrapped tightly under her clothes, corset-style. "It did define her waist a little more, but it was ridiculous," she says." And so was the motive of the person I knew.

I am reminded that I must appreciate who I am.

I am the perpetual 'dieter' and exerciser. My metabolism and physiology are challenged due to some underlying disease, and yet I am human and make choices that aren't the best for maintaining my health and wellness--and a more svelte physique. I know I will not be 'red carpet ready' as described in the article. I don't want to be (anymore). Perhaps it's come with age, and perhaps it's just a matter of accepting who I am.

I am reminded that I must appreciate who I am.

So as I begin, again, to focus on my health and wellness, I am not only working on the physical--by nutrition and exercise. I plan to work on the emotional and spiritual as well. Two weeks ago while travelling with my husband, I heard the word 'jolly' used in some ad or promotion. I jolly well miss that word. It's useful as a verb or adverb, and I like that it is used to put into good humor.

I am reminded that I must appreciate who I am.

I have spent many months (years) in a funk. I find joy in little things, and yet, I am overwhelmed by the lack of joy in my own life. I can feel the tide starting to turn, yet it remains far from effortless. I need to put myself into good humor. I can see the effects on the world around me when I reflect it back. I want it to come more naturally.

I must appreciate who I am.